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Shopify vs. BigCommerce: A Comprehensive 2023 Comparison

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In today’s dynamic e-commerce landscape, the choice of the perfect platform for your online store stands as a pivotal decision, akin to selecting the foundation of your digital retail empire. In this bustling arena, two steadfast contenders, Shopify and BigCommerce, have persistently emerged as formidable frontrunners, each striving to clinch the coveted top spot in the e-commerce platform hierarchy. In the year 2023, the intensity of their competition has reached unprecedented heights, fueled by their unwavering commitment to adapt and evolve in response to the ever-shifting demands of e-commerce businesses.

As digital commerce continues to revolutionize the way we shop, sell, and connect with customers, the platform upon which you build your online store can be the linchpin of your success. This comprehensive comparison endeavors to illuminate the distinctive merits and demerits of Shopify and BigCommerce across a multifaceted spectrum of critical criteria, providing you with the insights necessary to make an informed decision for your unique e-commerce venture. It is within this intricate web of features, pricing, and performance that we will navigate the paths of these two e-commerce giants, dissecting their offerings to guide you towards a choice that resonates with your aspirations and business goals.

  1. Overview of Shopify vs. BigCommerce

Before delving into the nitty-gritty details, let’s provide an overview of these two e-commerce giants:


Shopify is a well-established, all-in-one e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of tools and services to help businesses set up, manage, and scale their online stores. Known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface, Shopify is a preferred choice for many small to medium-sized businesses.


BigCommerce is another formidable player in the e-commerce arena. This platform is renowned for its flexibility, scalability, and a comprehensive suite of e-commerce features. It caters to a diverse range of businesses, from startups to enterprises.

  1. Ease of Use


Shopify stands out for its user-friendly interface. It offers an intuitive dashboard and a straightforward setup process. Even those with minimal technical expertise can quickly grasp the essentials of managing an online store on Shopify. This makes it an ideal choice for beginners.


BigCommerce also offers a user-friendly experience, but it can be slightly more complex than Shopify. This complexity, however, comes with the advantage of more extensive customization options, which may be appreciated by businesses with specific needs.

  1. Pricing


Shopify offers a range of pricing plans to accommodate businesses of all sizes. The basic plan starts at an affordable monthly fee, making it accessible to startups and small businesses. As your business grows, you can scale up to more advanced plans with additional features.


BigCommerce, while not the most budget-friendly option, provides excellent value for what it offers. Pricing is tiered, and you can expect to pay more than Shopify’s basic plans. However, BigCommerce’s advanced features often justify the higher cost, making it an attractive option for mid-sized and large businesses.

  1. Design and Customization


Shopify excels in the design department with its wide array of beautifully designed themes. These themes are easily customizable, allowing you to create a unique and visually appealing online store. Additionally, the platform supports custom coding, giving you full control over design.


BigCommerce provides impressive design and customization capabilities as well. It offers a variety of responsive templates and enables deep customization through HTML, CSS, and Stencil framework. This makes it a great choice for businesses seeking a high degree of control over their store’s appearance.

  1. App and Integration Ecosystem


Shopify boasts a massive app store with thousands of third-party apps and integrations. This extensive ecosystem allows you to add new features and functionality to your store easily. Whether it’s marketing, SEO, or analytics, there’s an app for nearly everything.


BigCommerce also offers a range of integrations, though it has a smaller selection compared to Shopify. The platform focuses on quality over quantity, ensuring that the available apps are reliable and well-integrated with the core system.

  1. SEO Capabilities


Shopify provides robust SEO tools and features to help your store rank well in search engine results. It includes essential SEO components such as customizable title tags, meta descriptions, and clean URL structures. Moreover, it offers automatic sitemaps, mobile responsiveness, and fast page loading times – all factors that positively impact SEO.


BigCommerce, too, offers excellent SEO capabilities, with features like customizable URLs, meta tags, and automatic sitemaps. It also provides a content delivery network (CDN) to enhance page loading speed, which is another crucial aspect of SEO.

  1. Security and Performance


Shopify ensures the security of your online store through SSL certification and PCI DSS compliance. The platform hosts stores on its own servers, reducing the burden of security maintenance on store owners. It is renowned for its reliability and strong performance, handling traffic spikes with ease.


BigCommerce is no slouch in terms of security and performance. It also provides SSL certification and is Level 1 PCI DSS compliant. BigCommerce offers a content delivery network (CDN) to improve page loading speed, further enhancing the overall performance of your store.

  1. Payment Gateways and Transaction Fees


Shopify offers a wide array of payment gateways, including its in-house gateway (Shopify Payments) and third-party options. Depending on the plan you choose, transaction fees can be as low as 0.5% or waived altogether when using Shopify Payments. However, third-party gateways may incur additional transaction fees.


BigCommerce also supports a variety of payment gateways. It does not impose transaction fees on top of the fees charged by the selected payment gateway, which can be a significant cost-saving advantage for larger businesses.

  1. Scalability and Performance


Shopify is known for its scalability, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. As your business grows, you can seamlessly upgrade to more advanced plans, and Shopify Plus is tailored for high-volume enterprise businesses.


BigCommerce, too, offers scalability with its range of plans catering to different business sizes. It is a popular choice for mid-sized and large enterprises due to its advanced features and performance capabilities.

  1. Multichannel Selling


Shopify allows you to sell not only on your online store but also on various other platforms, including social media and marketplaces. This feature, known as Shopify’s “Sales Channels,” enables you to expand your reach and manage all sales from one central location.


BigCommerce also supports multichannel selling, enabling you to connect your online store to various sales channels and marketplaces. It streamlines the process of managing inventory and orders across multiple platforms.

  1. Customer Support


Shopify offers 24/7 customer support through various channels, including email, live chat, and phone. The platform’s extensive knowledge base and community forums are valuable resources for self-help and troubleshooting.


BigCommerce provides 24/7 customer support as well, with a reputation for responsive and helpful assistance. The platform’s knowledge base and community are excellent resources for users seeking answers to common questions.

  1. Abandoned Cart Recovery


Shopify offers a built-in abandoned cart recovery feature on higher-tier plans. This tool allows you to send automated email reminders to customers who leave items in their cart, encouraging them to complete their purchase.


BigCommerce also includes an abandoned cart recovery feature on its platform, helping you recover potentially lost sales by reaching out to customers who abandoned their carts.

  1. Internationalization and Localization


Shopify supports multiple languages and currencies, making it a suitable choice for international businesses. Its extensive app ecosystem includes tools for translating your store and managing international shipping.


BigCommerce is designed to

 be a global e-commerce platform. It provides features for handling multiple currencies, taxes, and languages, making it an excellent choice for businesses with an international customer base.

  1. Inventory Management


Shopify offers robust inventory management tools, including product variants, stock level tracking, and real-time inventory updates. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with a large and diverse product catalog.


BigCommerce also provides comprehensive inventory management features, allowing you to manage large inventories with ease. It supports advanced inventory tracking, product variants, and inventory synchronization across multiple sales channels.

  1. Analytics and Reporting


Shopify includes built-in analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into your store’s performance. These tools cover essential metrics like sales, customer behavior, and traffic sources, enabling data-driven decision-making.


BigCommerce offers robust analytics and reporting features as well. It provides detailed reports on sales, customer behavior, and product performance. The platform’s analytics tools are suitable for businesses looking to dive deep into their data.

  1. Mobile Responsiveness


Shopify themes are designed to be mobile-responsive, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for customers on smartphones and tablets. The platform places a strong emphasis on optimizing mobile storefronts.


BigCommerce also emphasizes mobile responsiveness, offering responsive themes and mobile-optimized features to provide a user-friendly experience on all devices.

  1. Closing Comments: Shopify vs. BigCommerce

In conclusion, both Shopify and BigCommerce have their unique strengths and are capable of catering to a diverse range of e-commerce businesses. The choice between the two largely depends on your specific business needs, budget, and technical expertise.

If you’re a small business or a newcomer to e-commerce, Shopify’s simplicity and user-friendly interface make it an excellent choice. The extensive app ecosystem, seamless scalability, and 24/7 customer support ensure that you can grow and adapt your store easily as your business expands.

On the other hand, BigCommerce’s flexibility and customization options make it a strong contender for mid-sized and large businesses. Its advanced features, excellent security, and performance capabilities, along with a lack of additional transaction fees, make it a valuable investment for enterprises.

Before making your final decision, consider conducting a trial run of both platforms, exploring their features, and assessing which aligns best with your business objectives. Ultimately, your choice between Shopify and BigCommerce should be a well-informed decision that suits your unique e-commerce journey.

  1. FAQs of Shopify vs. BigCommerce

Q1: Which platform is more budget-friendly, Shopify or BigCommerce?

A1: Shopify’s basic plans tend to be more budget-friendly, making it a preferred choice for small businesses and startups. BigCommerce, while offering excellent value, can be slightly more expensive, especially for larger businesses.

Q2: Can I switch between Shopify and BigCommerce if my business needs change?

A2: Both platforms offer scalability, so you can transition between plans as your business grows. However, the process of migrating from one platform to another can be complex and may require professional assistance.

Q3: Do either of these platforms charge additional transaction fees?

A3: Shopify charges transaction fees if you use third-party payment gateways, but these fees can be eliminated by using Shopify Payments. BigCommerce does not charge additional transaction fees on top of the fees imposed by your selected payment gateway.

Q4: Which platform is better for international sales?

A4: Both Shopify and BigCommerce support internationalization, with features for multiple languages and currencies. However, BigCommerce’s global focus and advanced tax and language support make it a strong choice for businesses with international customers.

Q5: Do these platforms offer a free trial period?

A5: Yes, both Shopify and BigCommerce provide a free trial period, allowing you to test their features and see which platform suits your business needs best.

Q6: Can I use my own domain name with both platforms?

A6: Yes, both Shopify and BigCommerce allow you to use your own domain name, providing a professional and branded web address for your online store.

Q7: Which platform has more responsive customer support?

A7: Both platforms offer 24/7 customer support through various channels. The responsiveness of customer support can vary depending on your specific issue, but both are generally known for providing timely assistance.

Q8: Are there any limitations to the number of products I can list on these platforms?

A8: Both Shopify and BigCommerce offer plans with varying levels of product listings. The higher-tier plans provide more extensive product listings, making them suitable for businesses with larger inventories.

Q9: Can I sell on social media and other platforms with these e-commerce solutions?

A9: Yes, both Shopify and BigCommerce offer features for multichannel selling, allowing you to connect your online store to various sales channels, including social media platforms and marketplaces.

Q10: Which platform is better for businesses with specific design needs?

A10: BigCommerce offers deeper customization options and is a great choice for businesses with specific design and branding requirements. However, Shopify also provides a range of customizable themes and allows custom coding for design flexibility.

Remember, your choice between Shopify and BigCommerce should align with your business goals, size, and specific requirements. It’s essential to thoroughly evaluate both platforms and consider what suits your e-commerce journey best.


In the grand showdown of Shopify vs. BigCommerce, as of 2023, we’ve traversed a vast landscape of e-commerce intricacies to unearth the nuances that define these platforms. It’s evident that each contender carries a unique set of strengths and capabilities, tailored to address specific business needs and aspirations.

Shopify, with its user-friendly interface and an extensive app ecosystem, shines as an accessible choice for newcomers and small businesses. Its scalability, coupled with a seamless path for growth, ensures that you can nurture your e-commerce venture without undue complications. Additionally, its robust SEO, security, and performance features make it a robust choice for many.

On the other hand, BigCommerce emerges as a powerhouse, boasting flexibility and customization options that cater to mid-sized and large businesses. Its feature-rich arsenal, fortified security, and top-notch performance capabilities make it an attractive investment for enterprises. The lack of additional transaction fees can be a significant boon for businesses that deal with substantial transaction volumes.

Before making your final choice, consider your business’s unique profile, budget, and technical requirements. Take the time to explore and experiment with both platforms through their trial periods. Delve into the intricacies of your own business objectives, and choose the platform that resonates most profoundly with your vision for e-commerce success.

Ultimately, in the grand scheme of e-commerce, Shopify and BigCommerce stand as two pillars that can elevate your online retail dreams. The path you choose to tread will define your journey, and as you embark on this digital adventure, may your selection be the catalyst that propels your business to unprecedented heights of success in the world of e-commerce.

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